Option 3: Find a location on the map
Left click and hold on the blue and white map marker to drag it to the location of the sighting. Left click and hold on the map to pan/move the map around. Use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
If the shortcuts box opens
If a menu listing shortcuts appears over the map, just press the ESCAPE /ESC key on your keyboard
Option 1: Enter a gridref or lat, lng coordinates
latitude and longitude
Latitude and longitude are in decimal format with a max of 15 digit percision. Manually entering coordinates will cause the grid ref to automatically update.
Grid reference
The grid reference accepts UK or Irish grid references to a 5 digit easting/northing percision. Enter the grid ref and click on the button to the right to apply the gridref.
This causes lat,lng coordinates to automatically update as well.
Note: any updates here also re-centres the map marker [option 1] on the new coordinates.
Option 2: Choose from saved locations
Saved Locations
When you are logged in and make a new submission of data to the site you are now given the option save the location of that submission to a personalised list. It works like a bookmark in an internet browser, except it captures locational data. Locations on this list will be
available for all future submissions provided you are logged in.
Note that you must have an account on the website and be logged in during the submission in order to use a saved location.
Current status: unavailable - you are not logged inYou must be logged in to be able to use or mange your saved locations. Please be sure to log in prior to entering a submission in order to avail of this option.